We had a long night on the little bed at the church. We are used to a queen size bed, but the church has a full size bed.
Needless to say it is becoming a tight fit for the three of us. It is one thing for Mommy to be kicked by William in the night, but it is another thing for Daddy to be kicked by William in the middle of the night!
There is a belly under that shirt! :) Val, you look beautiful. Enjoy these days, soon enough he will be here and you won't have him all to yourself. You will have to share him with all of us.
I am sure glad you have this blog so we can watch Valerie and William "grow"!!!We miss you guys. You are beautiful, Val!!! Love you, Mom
Get used to the kicking. It only gets worse. Just wait until he is out of the belly and truly in the bed with you in the middle of the night. You'll wind up getting punched in the nose when he rolls over or better yet kicked in the face because he has turned upside down. A word of advice...sleep with your back to him! And don't forget my favorite...everyone waking up WET! But you'll love (mostly) every minute of it.
Happy Birthday Jeff! Enjoy your day.
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