Monday, July 31, 2006

doctor, doctor...

We went to the children's hospital today to get a sonogram of William's hips. William was very cooperative with the process.

We got a call from our pediatrician this afternoon in regards to William's pictures. The doctor said that William's hips looked just fine! Praise the Lord!

Friday, July 28, 2006

I love my Mommy...

I love my Mommy. She's so comfy. And she's good for snuggling. *yawn* I think...I'm just gonna...close my eyes.

Oh yeah, I love my Daddy, too.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

necessity and possibility (of little naps)...

Now Daddy, was it p~ ~p and p~ ~p? Or was it … oh, forget it…I’m just gonna take a little nap.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Baby Bottle Blues...

Tonight Jeff got to give Little Will his first bottle of breast milk. We had planned to wait a few more days, but after Mommy put Will down for a nap, she thought Will would take his daily marathon nap, so she decided to pump a few ounces to work on building up a supply in the freezer. Well, Will didn't take his Marathon nap, in fact, he didn't sleep long at all and before we knew it, of course, he was hungry. So, mommy fed him a little, but he just didn't get enough. We decided it was time to go ahead and try the bottle. Will sucked it right down in a matter of minutes...Yippee! We plan to continue to try a bottle from time to time to keep Will used to it so one of these days Mommy and Daddy can go on a date while Will stays with a sitter...whenever Mommy and Daddy decide they can leave Will for a few hours:-)

Two weeks notice...

Today we went to get Will's two week checkup. Will weighed in at 8 lbs. 9 oz. That's good news. That means that he is gaining weight! Good job William and Mommy! Will still is about 20.5 inches long. I'm sure that a growth spurt is just around the corner. We also found out that we need to get a sonogram of William's right hip. The ball and socket joint is slipping a little bit. This is not out of the ordinary for someone his age, but it is something that needs to be addressed now while it is easy to fix.

We'll let you know more when we know more.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Mother May I?...

I'll bless the food this time Daddy!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

little surprises...

Day 10 has been pretty interesting.

Will did not nap very well yesterday. But his poor napping turned into a good 7 hours of straight sleep from 12AM to 7AM this morning. This is a very good thing!

However, the rest of us did not get to enjoy those 7 hours of bliss the way that we would have all liked. I woke up at 3:30 AM with my air conditioner blowing very hot air! We still managed to rest, but it sure would have been great to have nice cool air...

This morning, while we were waiting for the A/C to get fixed, Valerie gave Will some tummy time. Much to our surprise, Will immediately pushed himself back over onto his back. It was kinda like a one armed push-up manuever. We look forward to seeing what he can do next.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

nappy, nap, nap...I love naps...

I'm so comfy in my little bassinet. Daddy wraps me up as tight as he can, but it doesn't really matter. I'm a little Houdini. All I have to do is shrug my shoulders and out pop my little hands...

*yawn* Did I mention that I love naps?

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Dang paparazzi...

Daddy, enough pictures allready!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

rubber ducky, you're the one...

I got my first bath today. Mommy thought I needed one since some friends were coming to see me. I like the warm washcloth, but I don't like being wet!

Friday, July 14, 2006

the streak is over...

It was a good run while it lasted. I've had a long standing policy about diapers: if he ain't mine, then it ain't mine.

Well, let's just say that these pictures speak for themselves...

Thursday, July 13, 2006


We are finally home. Will ate almost continually from midnight to 3 AM and finally went to sleep for several hours. He was circumcised this morning and has been relatively sleepy since.

We hope to sleep well tonight.

Goodnight Will!
Goodnight Moon!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I'm a happy boy!...

I'm a happy boy because I have a full tummy and clean diaper.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Welcome to the planet...

This is us at the hospital. I've only got time to post these quick pictures. I'll tell you more when I get some more time. But here is what you all wanted to know.

William James Perkins was born Monday July 10, 2006 at 3:37 PM. He weighed 8 lbs and 2.5 oz. He is 20 1/2 inches long.

I've got to go for now. Please continue to pray for us.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

not yet...

We went to our final visit today. If William does not come before Monday, Valerie will be induced. We are scheduled to be induced on Monday morning.

We will actually check into the hospital on Sunday night. That means that we will spend probably Sunday and Monday night in the hospital. But we should get home on Tuesday.

Also, we visited with a pediatrician. We like him alot. I think that we are just gonna go with him.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

family portrait...

It has not rained for months here in North Texas. Who would have thought that all that was needed to break the drought was for us to try to go take pictures. For the last three days, the sky has opened up exactly as we have walked to the door to go take pictures.

Anyway, here is one that we took today in the rain.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Hot Mama, part 8 3/4...

I took this photo of Valerie today after the brief thunderstorm. We are working on some taking some pregnant portraits before William pops out. Let me know what you think of this one. I doctored it a little bit.

I've got sunshine, wait, no I don't....

We got all cleaned up to go take some pictures, but guess who showed up just as we were ready to go.