Monday, February 27, 2006

more D-Now...

Here is another picture from D-Now. My kids mugged me with their name tags. Silly kids...


I had a big youth group event with the church this last weekend. It was a long Friday and Saturday, as you can tell by the picture above...

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Baby Registry...

Ok! Ok! Ok! Everyone wants to know if we are registered anywhere.

Well, now we have setup a baby registry at Target. We've only just begun and more stuff will be showing up soon. Currently we only have some of the bedding stuff listed, but Valerie promises me that we will go to the store sometime soon to do some more registering. (That will also give me opportunity to play with the scanning gun! Which, by the way, is so much fun.)

For your convience, the URL link to the baby registry at Target is also provided for you under the "Links" sub-category on the sidebar (just to your right).

regarding the sonogram picture...

(1) I know that sonograms are notoriously difficult to interpret and ususally require the imagination of an intrepid Impressionist to even begin to makes heads of tails of it.

(2) I also know that the picture you see below is actually a photograph (taken with poor lighting and a shaky hand) of the sonogram print-out.

(3) So, under normal circumstances I would not hold it against you if you could not determine that you were, in fact, looking at a boy in the sonogram...

except for the fact that if you look closely you will see that I circled the "little boy!"

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

And the winner is...

Baby Perkins is a boy! We wanted to have a girl, but we are very excited about having a little boy. The most important part is that he is healthy.

Baby Perkins is apparently a lot like his mother. Baby did not want to be disturbed from his nap to have his sonogram picture taken. We pushed and poked, but to little avail. We eventually got all of the pictures that we needed to take.

Now, if we only had a name...

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

PhD update...

Today I had my interview with the Philosophy of Religion Department. Dr. Blount (Philosophy), Dr. Welty (Philosophy) and Dr. Mitchell (Ethics) interviewed me. It was pretty normal questions I suppose.

The questions were on the order of:
"Why do you want to pursue a PhD in Philosophy of Religion?"
"How do you see yourself using your degree in the future?"
"What areas interest you?"
"What are your strengths?"
"What are your weaknesses?"
"What is your fascination with Molinism?"

Overall, I think it went pretty much ok.

My entrance exams are in a couple of weeks. I'm going to go study for them least until supper!

Monday, February 20, 2006

What is it going to be?...

What does Mommy have in the oven??? We don't know yet! But we will on Wednesday!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

O' give me a home...

We went to look at the apartment that we are thinking about moving into. We took some measurements. Then we came home and did some "pretend" interior decorating. Actually, we just tried to figure out if we could get all of our stuff in there!

Here is a picture of our finished work.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Missed opportunities...

In these days of composing sermons, I become very reflective about life and theological issue in general. My sister in law posted on her blog ( The WAIT is NOW over!!!: Missed opportunities )about the loss of her childhood friend. In response, I wanted to share my devotional thoughts at the moment.

Death does seem to always remind us of the important things in life and subsequently rearranges our priorities, if only for a season. Death is hard to deal with, but there is comfort in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Resurrection and the Life and in whom our great hope rests. In the days of mourning, our worship should eventually return towards the greatness of His mercy and love for us.

another thought...

Sometimes the stories we tell to illustrate our sermons overshadow the Scripture that we are proclaiming.

Is this a problem for anyone else?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

a thought while composing a sermon...

I had a thought today as I was writing my sermon for this week...

The history of our world is not ultimately one of Good vs. Evil. Good eternally has been and will eternally remain. Evil, on the other hand, began and will subsequently one day be done away with. ( That is part of our great Christian hope. )

Therefore, the history of the world is ultimately the story of Good, i.e., God.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Pastor Ramblings

This is a screenshot of First Baptist Church of Blakely, GA's webpage.

I want to thank Dr. Chuck for reminding my home church to remember my family in their prayers.

By the way, what is Brad Hughes gonna be doing anyway?
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