Monday, September 11, 2006


Today, Will went to have his two month check up at the pediatrician. Will weighed 9 lbs and 5 oz. Will measured 24 inches. That puts him at about the 50th percentile for weight and about 75th percentile for height.

Will also got his first round of vaccinations today. He got five shots! One in the arm and four in the legs! The poor baby! I had to go with Val to help hold him down. She didn't think that she'd be strong enough. It was so sad to see him yell and to see his eyes get really big when the nurse poked him. :o(

I think it was worse for us than for him. He was asleep within a couple of minutes and has been pretty mellow all evening.


Sarah Rahija said...

It's always harder on mommy and daddy than it is on the little ones ... I know. I'm sorry they poked him 5 times -- here, they combine 5 into 3, and do two in one leg, one in the other. It hurts just as bad. Isn't it great though, how short their short-term memory is?? Both Erin and Avery stopped crying in less than 3 minutes ... however, a long 3 minutes for a parent. Congrats for surviving! -- hey, have Val check out my blog ... we went to Watermelon Day last weekend, and some girls we knew when we were doing the SAVeD thing did the entertainment. Thought she'd be interested. Love you guys!

Jeanette said...

Kellie just went through all of her shots a few months ago. It is so sad when they get "shot" and look up at you and a big crocodile tear comes out and then the delayed WHAAAAAAA!!!!