Sunday, September 10, 2006

Many, Many Visits...

We have had several visits over the last several days. On last Thursday, Aunt Julie and Aunt Jeanette and Baby Kellie came for a whirl-wind trip. They came on Thursday morning and flew home on Friday morning. It was a very short trip, but we really enjoyed seeing them.
You can read their posts and see some pictures at their blogs.

Aunt Julie blogged here. Aunt Jeanette blogged here.

We also had Grandma and Papa Lambert spend the weekend with us. They also brought along (Great) Grandma Margritz. It was nice to see family.

1 comment:

Jeanette said...

We enjoyed our visit. Now the boys want to fly out there! I told them they have to wait until Thanksgiving to see you and then later we will fly out with them. Give Will lots of hugs and kisses from us.