Friday, February 09, 2007

My first email...

I was sitting in Mommy's lap when she was reading an email from Aunt Ashley today. I decided that I would like to send Aunt Ashley a little reply! So I reached right up onto the keyboard and hit the "reply" key. Then I typed the following little message:
"il h okk, 0[.[vvvvvvvvvvvoiok d00;"

So, that is the story of my first email. Be looking forward to an email from me anyday now.

Now if I could just trick someone into holding me up by the computer again...

1 comment:

Sarah Rahija said...

Aww ... Avery also LOVES the computer/keyboard. She even types one-handed or with her foot while nursing when I am on the computer during her snack times :)Pretty soon they will know more than we do about the blasted machines!